New general hospital of the Varese area
- Preliminary design for structures and mechanical systems,
- Detailed design for architectural works,
- Safety coordination during execution
ASST Sette Laghi
Tipologia di intervento
Destinazione d'uso
Valore dei Lavori
111 Million €
Concept Design
Ishimoto Architectural & Engineering Firm
81 000 m2 – Gross floor area
Certificazioni e Obiettivi sostenibilità
In collaborazione con
The project concerns the demolition of some existing Pavilions and the construction of a new modern complex, consisting of a large platform (developed on three floors) and of two blocks hosting medical and surgical ward nurse, for a total of about 700 beds. The new surgical unit is dimensioned for 20 operating rooms. The so-called “service platform” sets on the 2 basement levels, each with a gross floor area of 15.000 square meters, and on the ground floor, with a GFA of 12.500 square meters.
The service platform hosts:
- at the 2nd underground level: the power stations, the industrial kitchen, the hospital pharmacy with its stores and the central sterile services department;
- at the 1st underground level: the diagnostic imaging unit, the surgical unit with its 20 operating rooms, the laboratories of clinical chemistry and microbiology, the blood bank and transfusion service department, the Unit of Forensic Medicine;
-the Diagnostic Imaging unit and the Analysis Laboratory, in the new building, have an increase in surface of over 30% from the current.
- on the ground floor: the entrance lobby with some shops and the public pharmacy, the dining room, the area for multi-specialty outpatient clinics, the morgue and the chapel. On the front along via Guicciardini is placed the Emergency Department, for the ER activities, with 11 beds for first-aid post and observation desk.